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Rollercoaster Series

About the Series

This brand-new Series takes a challenging or significant life event as the focus for each story and aims to help children understand and normalise the range of emotions they may experience, and recognise and manage ‘big’ and ‘difficult’ feelings.

It is important for children to know that facing difficult situations, and the strong emotions which they can elicit, is part of life. How we cope with these events often depends on our mental health and the coping strategies we have learned.

These stories take situations that are familiar to children and use fictional characters to create some emotional distance, in order to consider emotional responses and support the safe exploration of coping strategies and problem solving. Each story comes with a workbook and guidance notes to assist the use of these highly practical and engaging resources.

3 Series Titles

Per Page

Rollercoaster Series Set

Rollercoaster Series: Set

1st Edition

By Paula Nagel
November 09, 2017

PSHE delivery to promote mental health awareness and resilience, or can be read independently by children for enjoyment; the graphic format allows the thoughts, feelings and behaviours to be made explicit and accessible in a visual way, and will be attractive and accessible to children of different...

Stuck on a Loop

Stuck on a Loop

1st Edition

By Paula Nagel
April 28, 2017

This therapeutic story focuses on intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviour, linked to exam anxiety. Everyone knows Gemma always gets thing 'right' and is top of the class. However she feels under pressure to do well in the Year 5 tests and is becoming increasingly worried. She thinks she has to ...

What is it?

What is it?

1st Edition

By Paula Nagel
April 28, 2017

This is a focus on low mood associated with bereavement. Sam feels low and fed up, but doesn't understand why he feels this way. Everyone else has an opinion on the change in his behaviour. His teacher thinks he is being lazy and can't be bothered to finish his work, his mum thinks he is moody and ...

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