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Routledge eBusiness

About the Series

eBusiness is a rapidly changing area in which there is a growing interest from all areas of business, whether from academics and students or whether from businesses themselves.
Worldwide, universities are laying on new modules and degree programmes that respond to demands for eBusiness education. This is especially true in Europe and North America, where eBusiness is increasingly being treated as a quasi-disciplinary area.
This co-ordinated series of textbooks covering key aspects of eBusiness is designed to provide students with a more structured learning resource. The first four books are aimed at a more introductory (first/second year undergraduate) level than the subsequent six, which are more suited to advanced undergraduate and graduate students.

5 Series Titles

Per Page

e-Governance Managing or Governing?

e-Governance: Managing or Governing?

1st Edition

Edited By Leslie Budd, Lisa Harris
January 13, 2009

Developing hand in hand with e-Business in its use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), e-Government emerged in the 1990s with the promise of a more accessible, efficient and transparent form for public institutions to perform and interact with citizens. The successes-and some ...

Marketing the e-Business

Marketing the e-Business

2nd Edition

By Lisa Harris, Charles Dennis
December 13, 2007

E-marketing is rapidly growing in significance and is having a direct impact upon traditional marketing strategy and operations. It requires planning and innovation to make it work, implying organisational commitment and effective management, supported by appropriate technology, process and ...

e-Economy Rhetoric or Business Reality?

e-Economy: Rhetoric or Business Reality?

1st Edition

By Leslie Budd, Lisa Harris
December 03, 2004

As became dot.bomb, the hype that surrounded the meteoric growth of the network economy has given way to realism, or even scepticism, about the potential of ICT as a source of new business models. It is now appropriate to reflect critically on the e-economy hype, and to use this as a way of...

e-Business Fundamentals

e-Business Fundamentals

1st Edition

By Peter Eckersley, Lisa Harris, Paul Jackson
July 25, 2003

This comprehensive textbook considers all of the key business, management and technical issues of e-Business, examining and explaining how technologies can help organizations in both the public and private sectors conduct business in new ways.After addressing the changing nature of the e-Economy ...

Marketing the e-Business

Marketing the e-Business

1st Edition

By Charles Dennis, Lisa Harris
October 28, 2002

Since the much-hyped crash, treading the e-business path can be daunting. In these increasingly uncertain and cynical times, this useful text unpicks the challenges of e-Marketing for many types of business. It uses topical case studies and accompanying web material to provide an up-to-date...

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